Improving energy performance in an enterprise can be an effective measure not only to save energy but also to enhance the competitiveness of enterprise through reduction in energy expenses. This view was expressed by the participants of Awareness Raising Program on Energy Efficiency (EE) held on 2 December 2013. The event was organized by Energy Efficiency Centre (EEC) - Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) and WEAN Multipurpose Cooperative with the objective to raise awareness on EE among women entrepreneurs of Nepal. The program was organized with support from German Development Cooperation – GIZ on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Commenting on the programme, Ms. Malika Shrestha, General Secretary of the Cooperative stated that the participants benefited from getting information for utilizing energy efficiently not only in their enterprises but also in their households. Similarly, Ms. Sharada Rijal, Immediate Past President of the Cooperative expressed that through the program the participants were able to realize how they are wasting energy that has affected them financially as well as contributed to energy crisis. Stating that the awareness programme provided a general overview on energy efficiency, Both Ms. Shrestha and Ms. Rijal opined that it would be beneficial if more detailed programme on the EE issues related to small and cottage industries could be organized.
The half day programme participated by 32 members from the Cooperative was focused on informing the significance of EE to individual entrepreneurs and the country as a whole. Beside orienting the participants on the mission and activities of the Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme (NEEP) and EEC, the programme provided energy saving tips for cottage and small industries together with explanation on benefits received by energy saving case industries. During the programme the participants also discussed on the possibilities of undertaking EE measures in their respective enterprises.
EEC, the implementing partner for Component 3 – Energy Efficiency in Industries of NEEP, was established in 2009 to foster energy efficiency in the industries. EEC is supported by the team of national experts and the consortium of international consulting firms contracted by GIZ including INTEGRATION, Adelphi Consult and the IP consult. EEC focuses on human resource development in energy audit and provides professional energy efficiency services to the industrial community. WEAN Multipurpose Cooperative has been supporting women entrepreneurs of Nepal through entrepreneurship development particularly through skill enhancement in area of marketing, productivity and quality improvement since 1992.
Further information:
Click here for more information on component 3 of NEEP
Click here for more information on Energy Efficiency Centre
What is |
Energy Efficiency? |
Energy Efficiency, is the goal of efforts to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services. |
(In short terms: Do more with less) |
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